Indefinite Hiatus

Hi all, as indicated in the title of this blog, I have decided to place the development of VTSOM on an indefinite hiatus. As disappointing as this news may sound, I would like to first take a moment to gladly announce that I am now a graduate researcher with Computer Science as my research focus. Not only will I be dedicating myself full-time to my research interests, I will also be assigned teaching assistant positions to help guide current & incoming undergraduate students in my areas of knowledge. Needless to say, this is a dream come true and I want to thank my friends and loved ones for supporting me in my academic pursuit. 

However, this change, along with a combination of other factors, has led me to make the decision to take a longer break from game dev. As much as I enjoy game dev, it is extremely time-consuming and does not offer me basic financial support. And though I have met many wonderful people from game dev, constantly dealing with asset piracies, online demands, and the not-so-pretty side of the fandom is getting quite stressful, and sometimes I can’t help but wonder if this role is truly for me. Furthermore, the online expectation that expects me to be constantly working on games has led me to question if it has consumed too much of my life, even though I have so many other skills, and there are so many other things that I want to learn.

That being said, this was an extremely fun and fruitful experience, and as the creator myself, I do not wish to leave Chapter 4 as the official ending of this game. I hope to return in the future to continue my development of this game, but right now is not the best time for me. I want to thank everyone in advance for your understanding, and needless to say, I cannot thank all of you enough for your love and support along this journey. I don’t think I would have even made it to Chapter 4 if it wasn’t for your support, and I wish to clarify that I never intended to give up game dev. However, I hope you understand that I need to make the best decisions for myself and my future.

Before my departure, I would like to showcase some sneak peeks of the progress I made on VTSOM over the past few months. I had a great time working on this game, and I hope that I can come back to pick up exactly where I left off. I also want to send my best wishes to whoever is reading this at this moment; I hope that we both can figure out what we wanna do, who we wanna become, and most importantly, what makes us happy and realize our dreams together. I wish all of you the best of luck in your future endeavors. 



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Stay safe, king


Gosh the art here looks so great! It's really inspiring to hear about your journey as someone with an interest in game development and Comp Sci! Best wishes for the future!


i would give dino my life savings for the game to be completed


We miss you as always !!!! Hope everything has been going well in life for you Dino, we will wait as long as needed for your sake, please don't rush !!!!


Oh hi mutual ^_^

(3 edits) (+1)


很厉害的作品,最初漫无目的乱逛时意外发现了同样很精彩的Dr. Albert,通关之后,我对作者的世界观产生兴趣,就下载并游玩了作者的其他参与作品。




Congrats on graduating!! the game was jaw dropping. Wish you the best, we will be waiting your return!


Congrats on your Computer Science! Well my sister does computer science back when she was in year 11-12 but then she quit for some reasons.


idk if you check these comments but I sincerely hope you're doing well! whether you finish the game or not I'm so grateful you created as much as you did. I still think about your characters darn near every day, and it's not often something resonates with me for that long! if you can create something that impactful for fun, I can only imagine what amazing things you'll do in your professional life. I continue to wish you the very best!


right!!!! i hope he knows just how much this game has touched our hearts


CONGRATS!!! Just got into your games and want more, but glad to see you are doing so well! Take your time and pursue your dreams~ I'm glad you recognized that creating for the internet wasn't good for you -- a lot of online creators have such an unhealthy relationship with their work and glad to see you pursue your own path of happiness. Wishing you all the best!!



WOWOW CONGRATS AND BEST OF LUCK ON ALL YOUR ENDEAVORS!!! I hope you're living a happy life of blessings and abundance ^^


DINO I AM ON MY KNEES AND WAITING FOR MORE BRO! congrats on graduating though (im 2 years late




De tempos em tempos, retorno a este lugar me pergunto: quando voltarás?. Entristeço-me demais ao ver que não há sinal algum de tua volta, mas tenho fé de que, algum dia, todos nós veremos o desfecho de tua obra. Aguardo-te, em algum futuro, como sua fiel jogadora e espectadora.

Carinho de uma brasileira à tí.


Hi Dino! I just began playing VTSOM and I absolutely love it! Your work is seriously amazing. As a very stressed honors student, I get why you have to take a hiatus (and obvious congrats! It's been almost 2 years since this post so I hope you're career is doing good). To be able to juggle between work and game dev, prior to graduation, is astonishing. I hope you're doing well!


I wonder where he is now but i hope he will be back

Hello! I literally played your game just today and i wanted to say: it's really incredible. :] You help me to realise, that maybe if I'll try hard and good enough I'll finally be able to make my game. i genuinely expected something much less, then i gained after playing the game and it's heartwarming, that i decided to actually play this game myself:3

Wish you all the best, hope you're doing well. We will wait for your return:)


hi dino i hope you're doing well i've been really interested in the games i cant wait for the new chapterss i hope you come back but take as much time as you need to to pursue ur dream


Your username??? HELP. But yeah! I agree

sigma username




I found out about this game not too long ago and absolutely fell in love with it and its characters! I'm very glad that this game hasn't been forgotten and that the fandom is still going. Congratulations on your achievements Dino, and we all hope that you're doing great! Your game has inspired me lots with my dreams of showing my characters to the world, so I just wanted to say thank you ^^

I really wish you the best! I hope you achieve your dreams and more!! :D


recently i've been missing this game and i'm pretty sure there hasn't been any updates since this page was posted. it made me wonder if this game was completely dead, but i was glad to find that people are still here waiting like i am! i look forward to new content, and i wish you the best!! :D

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