Chapter 4 has emotionally destroyed me; you've done an amazing job and I can't wait to see how you top it! I saw this question asked below, but have you ever though about making VTSOM/TWDAK merch? I'd love to buy stickers to decorate my laptop with and be able to support you even more!
Was that Dr Krueger in one of the photos on Monsieur M's laptop?
Also, at the end of TWDAK, Krueger mentions he called Vincent recently and he mentions that Vincent seemed to be doing well, however here in chapter 4 Vanora gets to Vincent by emphasising that he essentially has no one who cares for him other than Victor, despite Krueger calling up (because he [Krueger] missed G4 and the people there, according to what Taylor said).
So I'm kinda wondering if Krueger will become relevant to the story of this game at all (plus his line about it being his destiny to inherit his father's company + all the talk about fate in chapter 4 here, plus Krueger's is yet another very powerful corporation that may also possibly have ties to Myers).
I'm also not entirely sure if Vincent is going to stay dead. Like, there's no actual reason any of the characters would revive him, as far as I know, but it feels so sudden to just kill him off as soon as he starts to get more backstory and stuff.
I think Albert has more than just vincent as a friend, although he did say he was the only other “competent” person, he took a liking to taylor. maybe he just likes unique and surprising people?
this was such a wonderful chapter! the story took me on an emotional roller coaster, the puzzles were great and the whole chase scene was very tense and well done. im very excited to see how the story will end. thank you for your hard work dino!
Not dino999z, but I'm pretty sure it's because TWDAK is already completed, it doesn't need anything extra to be added on at this point. Whereas this one is much more ambitious and still in development.
I absolutely love this game it’s amazing from the game play to the design, although chapter 4 did brake my heart haha thank you for creating an amazing game and good luck with the further chapters and other projects for the future
i love this so much. everytime i see a new update istg i die a bit inside. chapter 4 really hit me hard and the puzzles were even harder but i really enjoy this game and i can't wait for the next two chapters :D
For a moment I thought I reached the end of the whole game but then I was like: "That is not possible. It feels too soon." Then I remember there are two more chapters left. So, anticipating on discovering the true ending. The chapter was amazing by the way, I feel mixed emotions towards Vincent, though. His humanity was literally ripped out from him and I understand where he is coming from, but... the path he is choosing is a bottomless pit. Hopefully he will get the help he really needs.
You need to match the items in the cabinets to each member The symbols on the cabinets should be put into the code in order of the highest-rated member to lowest rated!
i already play chapter its AMAZIIIIIIING!!! I LOVEEE ITT but how you do the puzzle on room 3? qwq i used all my braincells and im still confused lol pls help mee TwT dont tell me im stupid cuz i alrready know qwq|||
i understand what you mean but, in the room 3 theres a puzzle that look like a....sudoku? idk it looks like that and i guess i could say that im still confused because theres no smoke and martini symbol its just a number in the wall and table with lots of books.. my english not that good too hehe
i know that, i even read the book on the table...but i still have no clue on how to do this puzzle TwT. guess im not smart like other people qwq, thanks for trying to help though, really appreciate it
THIS. DAMN CHAPTER. WAS A ROLLERCOASTER. I am legitimately SO happy with this, it's the most fun I've had playing a video game for a LONG while and I'm SO SO SO excited to see what comes next!!
Hi, I know the game's only out for chapter 4 right now but I just wanna say that you're doing a fantastic job so far! The plot, puzzles, mini-games, the soundtrack, sound design, and not to mention all the gut-punching parts of the story is a surreal experience. I genuinely enjoy what you're doing, man. Keep up the good work!
Hello! I saw on the Wiki page that there are also the games Vincent: Phantom of the G4 which I cannot find anywhere and Vincent's Amazing World of Scary Human Heads which is only available on IOS devices. I also saw from the comments there is another game Vincent: G4 Incident which I cannot find anywhere either. I was wondering if you had any plans to make Vincent: Phantom of the G4 and Vincent: G4 Incident available on here and to make Vincent's Amazing World of Scary Human Heads available on Android/on here? I would love to play them if you made them available!
Hi - That's just the prototype of this game. I have very good reasons why I don't wish to make that version available to download (and no, it is not related to the language), so please understand and respect my decision. If I do ever upload it, I need to first go back and change certain things, but right now I am quite exhausted from developing this game alone. Hope this clears things up!
hello! I'm a bit confused about one of the comments here, it mentioned "Vincent: G4 Incident" and talked about it like it was another game, But I just wanted to know; is "Vincent: G4 Incident" a different game? If yes, could you tell me where to find it? If not, could you tell me what it is and where to find it?
Trying to name yourself after anyone in the game has Vincent be suspicious of you and forces you to pick another name, however using the name "Krueger" (The guy from the other game who Vincent knows well) makes Vincent uneasy, but he will make no comment on it, allowing you to use the name. All other character names are blocked (Except Taylor since Vincent wouldn't even know about them).
A few of my friends and I played this game together and absolutely adored it!! I can't wait for the next update! Thank you for making such an amazing game with such intriguing characters!
Wonderful game! However, I was wondering if there would ever be a dyslexia-friendly implementation in the future? I'm dyslexic, and, although I love this game very much, it takes me hours to progress because I have much trouble reading the already-hard-to-read font on a dotted background. It would be wonderful if something like this could be added to the game for the sake of accessibility ^_^
Chiming in to add that I also would also appreciate it if the font was reworked. I'm not dyslexic but I have poor vision and I'm finding the text very small and hard to read.
Hello, first of all, i feel the need to congratulate you on your amazing games, this one specifically, since it has even more history and gameplay, and to ask you if there's any plans to launch any of your games on Steam. (sorry for my, possibly, bad english, it's not my first language)
Hey, thank you for creating such a snazzy point and click adventure game. 我很高興能夠找到在中國獨立的遊戲開發者, 我最近找到你的前作, Vincent: G4 Incident. 同樣是很棒的作品. (雖然前作的SAVE系統很不友好TAT還有翻譯法文挺有趣的)
I just wanted to ask about the previous game's endings and how it factors in the new revelation in Ch3.
--Just so nobody scrolled down and get spoiled--
Both endings in Vincent: G4 Incident ended in Vanora's demise. She is then reprogrammed to start again by Vincent in this new game. The question is, did Vanora choose to shoot the Clone of Vincent?
Because to me, that will change who Vanora the character is significantly.
If sherefused to shoot Vincent because she have a last bit of pity (Her mission is "take care of the traitor", not murder out right.) This mean her interpretation of orders is less cut throat. That means Vanora has a moral code she abide by despite stating that everyone's sacrifice is for the good of the company.
If she agree to shoot Vincent because a certain Dino said so. That means that her statement that all sacrifices is for the good of the company over writes whatever personality she has originally. In this ending, this makes Draco's admiration of her confusing, she followed her programming till the end just like him.
Hello! I know this comment was 4 months ago, But I just wanted to know; is "Vincent: G4 Incident" a different game? If yes, could you tell me where to find it? If not, could you tell me what it is and where to find it?
excuse me so i want to play all your games chronologically because it seems they seem to share the same universe so what order should i play in chronologically p.s i will also post this in your other games
Hello Dino! Thank you for working on these games, I really love the artstyle and atmosphere that you create. I noticed that a Brazilian Portuguese translation group has already worked with you on previous games, but in case you are still looking for help I'd like to offer to either translate or proofread anything that might be needed. Thanks again!
Don't bother if you're busy, but I was wondering where I could listen to or download both the music that plays just before the gate closes on Draco, that starts just after he pushes you into the right room, and the one that plays when you're investigating the first section Winston's lab in ch. 3. They've been stuck in my head lately-
Requests aside, amazing job. You've got me wanting more and theorizing almost on the daily. You're truly a master of your craft. Wonderful game >:D
I love the game and the story. The art is so simple yet is so intriguing at the same time. The story, the animation, the gameplay. All of it is wonderful. 10/10 would recommend
I really love this game. Vincent is cute, Victor is cute, Draco is cute...If it is translated into Korean, I am willing to download it again...!I will wait until the Korean translation comes out!!
I absolutely LOVE this game! I fell in love with all the characters and the lore is AMAZING! Lots of kudos for Dino!! Thank you for providing us such amazing games & chapters!
Well, after the most recent Chapter 3, I can definitely say my mind is in emotional chaos and confusion... Meaning it was awesome! I remember telling you how captivating a story like this is, and the way you continue to keep me with such mixed thoughts but always wanting to know more is incredible! We could have an idea of who we are, but there's still the possibility that any facts could be yanked out from under our feet, causing us to fall into confusion and once again question everything; I love it! Zalmona was such a cute and relatable character. After talking to her, it felt similar to Draco; like I personally had known her for years. I don't know how you've done it, but now I want to protect Draco a lot. I still have mixed feelings towards Vincent, but now also about myself/ourselves. There's so much we know, but so much we can't tell is a lie or the truth! I'm so pumped for when Chapter 4 comes out down the road! It's such a fantastic story, and I can never tell what's going to happen next! Keep up the fantastic work!
Okay, managed to played it again. I'm quite busy now and don't have many chance to play. These time it was a quite shocking reveal.... And also more mystery (?)
The last part of Episode 3! This episode is like a chocolate filling in a cake. You go from the outside on episode 1 and 2, to the sweet, dark, mysterious filling inside. More characters are introduced but at the same time more mystery piles up as you wonder who are they and explore deeper to the Myers corp.
The ending with its reveal and a name before closing was just [Amazing].
← Return to game
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oh my god this is game is the absolute best, chapter 4 really got me though, I cant wait for the next chapter!!!
this game it's just incredible, have access to this type of content for free is just uhvhziueAMAZING . i recommend it soooo much.
Chapter 4 has emotionally destroyed me; you've done an amazing job and I can't wait to see how you top it! I saw this question asked below, but have you ever though about making VTSOM/TWDAK merch? I'd love to buy stickers to decorate my laptop with and be able to support you even more!
Was that Dr Krueger in one of the photos on Monsieur M's laptop?
Also, at the end of TWDAK, Krueger mentions he called Vincent recently and he mentions that Vincent seemed to be doing well, however here in chapter 4 Vanora gets to Vincent by emphasising that he essentially has no one who cares for him other than Victor, despite Krueger calling up (because he [Krueger] missed G4 and the people there, according to what Taylor said).
So I'm kinda wondering if Krueger will become relevant to the story of this game at all (plus his line about it being his destiny to inherit his father's company + all the talk about fate in chapter 4 here, plus Krueger's is yet another very powerful corporation that may also possibly have ties to Myers).
I'm also not entirely sure if Vincent is going to stay dead. Like, there's no actual reason any of the characters would revive him, as far as I know, but it feels so sudden to just kill him off as soon as he starts to get more backstory and stuff.
I think Albert has more than just vincent as a friend, although he did say he was the only other “competent” person, he took a liking to taylor. maybe he just likes unique and surprising people?
The ending of chapter 4 made me feel terrible..
Loved it
this was such a wonderful chapter! the story took me on an emotional roller coaster, the puzzles were great and the whole chase scene was very tense and well done. im very excited to see how the story will end. thank you for your hard work dino!
This game is crazy good omfg
I will say, i have noticed you putting more work into this then TwDAK, i wanted to ask why?
Not dino999z, but I'm pretty sure it's because TWDAK is already completed, it doesn't need anything extra to be added on at this point. Whereas this one is much more ambitious and still in development.
well, thanks for letting me know.
I absolutely love this game it’s amazing from the game play to the design, although chapter 4 did brake my heart haha thank you for creating an amazing game and good luck with the further chapters and other projects for the future
i love this so much. everytime i see a new update istg i die a bit inside. chapter 4 really hit me hard and the puzzles were even harder but i really enjoy this game and i can't wait for the next two chapters :D
For a moment I thought I reached the end of the whole game but then I was like: "That is not possible. It feels too soon." Then I remember there are two more chapters left. So, anticipating on discovering the true ending. The chapter was amazing by the way, I feel mixed emotions towards Vincent, though. His humanity was literally ripped out from him and I understand where he is coming from, but... the path he is choosing is a bottomless pit. Hopefully he will get the help he really needs.
how do u do the puzzle where it has the rating out of 10 for the chaser, infiltrator, janitor and inspector i dont understand ueueue
You need to match the items in the cabinets to each member
The symbols on the cabinets should be put into the code in order of the highest-rated member to lowest rated!
i just saw this and the walkthrough is out now TT thank u anyway :3
i already play chapter its AMAZIIIIIIING!!! I LOVEEE ITT but how you do the puzzle on room 3? qwq i used all my braincells and im still confused lol pls help mee TwT dont tell me im stupid cuz i alrready know qwq|||
Smoke +Martini=Suit
The Smoke is symbol of Victor,The Martini is symbol of Vencent,The Suit is symbol of Draco.
My English is not very good, if I have some question of grammar, please forgive me.
i understand what you mean but, in the room 3 theres a puzzle that look like a....sudoku? idk it looks like that and i guess i could say that im still confused because theres no smoke and martini symbol its just a number in the wall and table with lots of books.. my english not that good too hehe
Number on the left + number on the right = red number on the wall
i know that, i even read the book on the table...but i still have no clue on how to do this puzzle TwT. guess im not smart like other people qwq, thanks for trying to help though, really appreciate it
I am legitimately SO happy with this, it's the most fun I've had playing a video game for a LONG while and I'm SO SO SO excited to see what comes next!!
I just finshed playing chapter 4 and wow its so amazing, it left me speechless lol. Great job and I hope you doing well!! :)
Okay Victor really didn't have to be that relatable and make me cry five minutes into chapter 4 I-
Hi, I know the game's only out for chapter 4 right now but I just wanna say that you're doing a fantastic job so far! The plot, puzzles, mini-games, the soundtrack, sound design, and not to mention all the gut-punching parts of the story is a surreal experience. I genuinely enjoy what you're doing, man. Keep up the good work!
is branch 2 available? i (think) i finished branch one but branch 2 still isnt available
It'll probably only be available once the game is complete, since it completely changes the path you go on in chapter 4 :]
Hello! I saw on the Wiki page that there are also the games Vincent: Phantom of the G4 which I cannot find anywhere and Vincent's Amazing World of Scary Human Heads which is only available on IOS devices. I also saw from the comments there is another game Vincent: G4 Incident which I cannot find anywhere either. I was wondering if you had any plans to make Vincent: Phantom of the G4 and Vincent: G4 Incident available on here and to make Vincent's Amazing World of Scary Human Heads available on Android/on here? I would love to play them if you made them available!
Hi - That's just the prototype of this game. I have very good reasons why I don't wish to make that version available to download (and no, it is not related to the language), so please understand and respect my decision. If I do ever upload it, I need to first go back and change certain things, but right now I am quite exhausted from developing this game alone. Hope this clears things up!
hello! I'm a bit confused about one of the comments here, it mentioned "Vincent: G4 Incident" and talked about it like it was another game, But I just wanted to know; is "Vincent: G4 Incident" a different game? If yes, could you tell me where to find it? If not, could you tell me what it is and where to find it?
See above.
the game’s story is really cool and i cant wait for the new chapters
this is amazing :O
Trying to name yourself after anyone in the game has Vincent be suspicious of you and forces you to pick another name, however using the name "Krueger" (The guy from the other game who Vincent knows well) makes Vincent uneasy, but he will make no comment on it, allowing you to use the name. All other character names are blocked (Except Taylor since Vincent wouldn't even know about them).
A few of my friends and I played this game together and absolutely adored it!! I can't wait for the next update! Thank you for making such an amazing game with such intriguing characters!
Wonderful game! However, I was wondering if there would ever be a dyslexia-friendly implementation in the future? I'm dyslexic, and, although I love this game very much, it takes me hours to progress because I have much trouble reading the already-hard-to-read font on a dotted background. It would be wonderful if something like this could be added to the game for the sake of accessibility ^_^
Chiming in to add that I also would also appreciate it if the font was reworked. I'm not dyslexic but I have poor vision and I'm finding the text very small and hard to read.
Hello, first of all, i feel the need to congratulate you on your amazing games, this one specifically, since it has even more history and gameplay, and to ask you if there's any plans to launch any of your games on Steam. (sorry for my, possibly, bad english, it's not my first language)
Hey, I just wanted to ask! Will there ever be Vincent the secret of Myers and Therapy with Dr Albert Krueger merch?
Hey, thank you for creating such a snazzy point and click adventure game. 我很高興能夠找到在中國獨立的遊戲開發者, 我最近找到你的前作, Vincent: G4 Incident. 同樣是很棒的作品. (雖然前作的SAVE系統很不友好TAT還有翻譯法文挺有趣的)
I just wanted to ask about the previous game's endings and how it factors in the new revelation in Ch3.
--Just so nobody scrolled down and get spoiled--
Both endings in Vincent: G4 Incident ended in Vanora's demise. She is then reprogrammed to start again by Vincent in this new game. The question is, did Vanora choose to shoot the Clone of Vincent?
Because to me, that will change who Vanora the character is significantly.
If she refused to shoot Vincent because she have a last bit of pity (Her mission is "take care of the traitor", not murder out right.) This mean her interpretation of orders is less cut throat. That means Vanora has a moral code she abide by despite stating that everyone's sacrifice is for the good of the company.
If she agree to shoot Vincent because a certain Dino said so. That means that her statement that all sacrifices is for the good of the company over writes whatever personality she has originally. In this ending, this makes Draco's admiration of her confusing, she followed her programming till the end just like him.
G4事件 - Vanora認真死板到會強迫Vincent進女廁所的程度. 可是真正表現她還有一點常識的地方就是打開廁所間裡面有機器人時她會道歉. 她跟所有冒險遊戲主角一樣會到處翻箱倒櫃. 追問Draco這裡有沒有養貓這一點可能代表她喜歡貓?
Myer的秘密 - 沒有記憶的情況下會害怕擔憂反而顯得比較有人情味. 非常嚴肅的一面顯現於她還是沒有幽默感. 身為警察的推理能力讓她可以用一個房間裡的物品推斷她所在的地點. 回憶裡藍皮膚的同夥就算對公司毫無忠誠心, 似乎對Vanora有一點點同伴情所以才會給她忠告. Vanora關於愛情的見解卻出乎意料的可愛(?). 愚忠的傻孩子.
P.S. Vincent and the Amazing Heads 只在ios有所以我沒玩, 沒有蘋果手機的痛苦. 還有中英混雜難讀很抱歉.
Hello! I know this comment was 4 months ago, But I just wanted to know; is "Vincent: G4 Incident" a different game? If yes, could you tell me where to find it? If not, could you tell me what it is and where to find it?
excuse me so i want to play all your games chronologically because it seems they seem to share the same universe so what order should i play in chronologically p.s i will also post this in your other games
ik I am really late but I think it is in the order of release date ^^
Oh ok thank you
Man i wonder how old is Draco is, is his age gonna revealed on the next chapter
like 3 years old
I found an answer to this question on the game's fandom wiki page, hope it helps!
Man, I really like this story, art and characters, I would like to translate this game to spanish but I have almost 0 programming knowledge ):
Hello Dino!
Thank you for working on these games, I really love the artstyle and atmosphere that you create.
I noticed that a Brazilian Portuguese translation group has already worked with you on previous games, but in case you are still looking for help I'd like to offer to either translate or proofread anything that might be needed.
Thanks again!
Hey Dino!
Don't bother if you're busy, but I was wondering where I could listen to or download both the music that plays just before the gate closes on Draco, that starts just after he pushes you into the right room, and the one that plays when you're investigating the first section Winston's lab in ch. 3. They've been stuck in my head lately-
Requests aside, amazing job. You've got me wanting more and theorizing almost on the daily. You're truly a master of your craft. Wonderful game >:D
omg yes pls, i loved these as well
I love the game and the story. The art is so simple yet is so intriguing at the same time. The story, the animation, the gameplay. All of it is wonderful. 10/10 would recommend
I really love this game. Vincent is cute, Victor is cute, Draco is cute...If it is translated into Korean, I am willing to download it again...!I will wait until the Korean translation comes out!!
I absolutely LOVE this game! I fell in love with all the characters and the lore is AMAZING! Lots of kudos for Dino!! Thank you for providing us such amazing games & chapters!
Well, after the most recent Chapter 3, I can definitely say my mind is in emotional chaos and confusion...
Meaning it was awesome!
I remember telling you how captivating a story like this is, and the way you continue to keep me with such mixed thoughts but always wanting to know more is incredible! We could have an idea of who we are, but there's still the possibility that any facts could be yanked out from under our feet, causing us to fall into confusion and once again question everything; I love it!
Zalmona was such a cute and relatable character. After talking to her, it felt similar to Draco; like I personally had known her for years.
I don't know how you've done it, but now I want to protect Draco a lot. I still have mixed feelings towards Vincent, but now also about myself/ourselves. There's so much we know, but so much we can't tell is a lie or the truth!
I'm so pumped for when Chapter 4 comes out down the road! It's such a fantastic story, and I can never tell what's going to happen next!
Keep up the fantastic work!
Any plans to make this available on android? I currently don't have my computer and won't have it for a while Q.Q
Well, took a few days for me to be able to check it out but I finally did. I must say something....
I love Zalmona so much! She's just so awkward to see which is nice. Glad to be able to play this again.
Okay, managed to played it again. I'm quite busy now and don't have many chance to play. These time it was a quite shocking reveal.... And also more mystery (?)
The ending with its reveal and a name before closing was just [Amazing].