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I have really enjoyed playing this game so far and eagerly await updates in the future. I'm a huge horror fan and in general, I don't scare easily. The writing was fantastic, there were a few scenes that genuinely unsettled me. Great work!

Hello I recently purchased your soundtrack. When I tried to open the file my computer said the zip file is invalid. I redownload the file a few times and still got the same result. Did I do something wrong?

Hello, thank you for your support! I double-checked the zip file on my end and it was working for me, so I'm not sure what's going on. Feel free to email me at with the email you used to purchase the soundtracks, and we can resolve the issue there.

Hi dclifeplayer, I have reuploaded the zip file so feel free to try again and let me know if it works this time. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Hello dino999z,

I download it and the zip file is open. Thank you for fixing the files.


Hazbin hotel inspired definetly





you made me cry until i saw the ending of chapter 4 😭😭😭

this gives me fnaf vibes

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

Hi L, thank you so much for your kind offer! However, I am unfortunately no longer looking for translators at this moment. I will let everyone know if the situation changes. Thanks a lot! - dino

Deleted 3 years ago

Unfortunately fan translation is forbidden at the moment. Please read my IP policy for more information:

(1 edit) (+1)

Episode 1 of Chapter 4~

Okay so the opening of chapter 4 opens a lot of new aspect to both Vincent and Victor as a character. They're now not just some mysterious serious (possibly a villain) character but a person just like us lmaooooo. I love this two dorks. One the edgy anti-social and the other the confused party guy. ALSO THEY'RE DEFINITELY NOT JUST ROOMMATES RIGHT. Oh what am I saying, there's nothing deeper to this. BUT WHAT IF??



The reveal at the end though??? ALSO THERE'S A LOT OF FAN SERVICE AND CHARACTER PERSONALITY REVEAL IN THIS CHAPTER (the puzzles are lovely as usual btw~)


Part 3, I guess this is how it supposed to end isn't it...? I LOVE THIS SEQUENCE BTW IT'S JUST FULL OF ACTIONS TO DO. Though the puzzles makes my brain hurt :)

But is it really the end...?


I wish I could donate more at this time but I have to watch my money. Your games are amazing and while I normally don’t donate to free games (my money is tight) nor do I comment, your games have impacted me a lot and so it’s the least I could do as a thank you for making wonderful games!

I’ll continue to support you as VTSoM is updated and eventually finished and I’m excited for that day to come. Of course, remember not to overwork yourself! 

I hope you have a fantastic day and I can’t wait to see what becomes of the game in the future.

really great,dude


AAHh This is so GOOD!! I can't wait for what's next!!!


OMG it was just good

waiting for chapter 5

I loved this game sooooo much, I hope chapter 5 comes out soon :")


I'm playing this game. If it's good I'll definitely donate money to support!!!

(1 edit) (+6)

Wow, just wow. 

The storyline for this game is incredible, no kidding.

I mean, the characters sure are charming after all~

Alright putting that aside, the gameplay and plot for this game are really nice, the UI design looks neatly done! The CGs for the game, everything. I can't wait for the development of this game to grow as well as the rest of the districts!

Spanish PLis!!

(2 edits) (-13)

I was liking it until I was called 'madam'. I would really prefer if we could choose what gender our character is or just leave it ambiguous. I'm a trans guy so I really dislike games that have ME be a girl. If my character already has a name and personality and stuff then them being a girl is fine, but in this game it seems we're supposed to be a blank slate/ it's supposed to be the irl player but in game. We can even choose our own name. So I don't understand why the player is forced to be a girl. Just because there are attractive guys in the game doesn't mean only straight girls will play this. 

Edit: read my replies to other people, I didn't know that the MC is supposed to be her own character, but I know now. I just kinda wish I'd known that before so I didn't make this comment lol. Like the description of the game could say "You play as a girl who wakes up in a strange mansion etc. etc." or something. Sorry for sounding like I don't like women in video games or something.


First of all, this is not a dating game. And second of all, with all due respect, have you finished playing the game  The main character does have a name and a gender! And in the beginning appeared in the protagonist’s image!


i know it’s not a dating game, but the characters being attractive is noted in the game’s description. I changed my original comment now to make it seem less like I thought it was a dating game. And no I haven’t finished playing it, I’ve just finished chapter 1. And I know the MC has a gender? That’s what I was complaining about. I don’t like being called madam every 5 seconds when the game is in first person perspective and I put my name into the game lol. It’s like they were talking to me and calling me that. And I don’t know what the protagonist looks like past the image of them face down on the ground… Just usually games that are in first person perspective are supposed to be where the MC is the player. If the MC is their own person then usually the game will show a picture of the MC or something. So sorry for not knowing that. I’m still going to finish the game but I’m just uncomfortable with the characters calling me “darling” and “dear” and “madam” in every other sentence. 


Look, even if the game asks you for a name it´s not YOU (besides it's temporary), It´s a pre-designed character made for her to be the protagonist and us, the expectator. That's it.


I didn't know that when I made my original comment, sorry.


hey there! i'm a trans guy too so i can totally appreciate where you're coming from, but i think maybe the issue here is that the way the game begins, it does kind of feel like you're meant to be playing as yourself, what with how the mc has no memories and how you're asked to choose a name.............despite the fact that you really arent playing as yourself.

i mean maybe this is a little bit spoilery but the bit where you say "If my character already has a name and personality and stuff then them being a girl is fine".............the thing is that. is actually the case. but also this is a mystery game, and one aspect of this is that at the beginning you dont know the character's personality or backstory or anything (and only get a very brief glimpse of what she looks like). but she is her own character and when other characters use feminine language for her it isnt intended to be them gendering you and just assuming that you use fem terms, especially as the dev themselves uses they/them pronouns.

obviously being misgendered effin sucks and if playing the game just makes you feel misgendered or otherwise uncomfortable gender-wise then by all means don't play it, but it is a reaaaaaally good game that i love a lot so i wanted to try to clear this up, especially as you said that you were enjoying it to begin with. if it helps any, if you just hit enter when asked to put in a name, the game will automatically choose the name "valeria", which i think is meant to be the name she chooses in canon. (and there are easter eggs where if you enter the names of certain other characters you will get a certain reaction!) or you could maybe watch one of the walkthroughs/let's plays on youtube if you wanted.

also, even if you decide the game just isn't for you (which is completely fair), i cant help but also suggest checking out "therapy with dr albert krueger". it's set in the same world but with a main character who is very clearly their own character, and who uses they/them pronouns. i love it a lot!!! 

but i hope this message came across ok (and i didnt seem dismissive or too pushy or anything), and that you have a good day :)


Thank you so much :D and yeah now that I know I'm not supposed to be playing as myself I'll definitely finish the game. Thanks  for the suggestion too, and I hope you have a good day as well :)




GOD!!! ok so i have friends who are very into this game and i finally gave it a shot myself after having the first couple chapters streamed to me several months ago. i actually have played everything available as of rn and can i just say holy hell. i enjoyed all of it. in-universe lore, your art, etc. very compelling story and i'm of course not gonna spoil but... y'know. my only complaint is that several of the puzzles are very easy (in my personal opinion!) but some others are incredibly difficult. it could do with some balancing. other than that, yeah, amazing game! i'm eagerly awaiting the rest of it. 


i have been needing to write a review here for a while so: this game is my new favourite thing ever. everyone needs to play this game. anyone caught not playing it will be reported to the fbi. vincent is my beloved and i think about him every day

(but remember that if you get stuck there are written walkthroughs linked above! cuz ive seen a lot of people not realise that. also pls read dino's latest message if you havent, like seriously do not give people bs about not updating quick enough for your liking wtf)


(1 edit) (+1)

Really great stuff! I love your art style especially. Hoping to see more of Zalmona in future chapters.


I'm SO glad you're accepting donations, because I'd feel bad with only leaving 5 stars and telling all my friends about your games.

Skills, passion... Enviable. Amazing work.

(2 edits)

I play this all four chapters I pass. It was SUPERB scary. But the two chapters are still upcoming.

And your game is SO very amazing, Dino.






wait so was I the only one who had a horribly difficult time with the puzzles.. dude i love this game but brooo the puzzles

I just finished Chapter 4 and my mind has been blown away (also by all the jumpscares). Now that I think about it, this game reminds me of Undertale in a way, so I already adore this game as well.

I will most definitely leave a 5*, and most certainly looking forward to Chapter 5. I feel so bad for Vincent, I wanna hug him, and now I'm simping for him~~


After finishing chapter 4, let me say... OH MY GOD, THAT WAS A RUSH!! I felt panic, joy, stress, sorrow, and anything in between! I could see the characters in my mind as they moved with the footsteps, it seemed so clear, like I was there myself! (Well, technically I am, I suppose; as the player, we're the ones seeing all this through the eyes of the one we decide to name and go by.) I am never disappointed with your storytelling! The ending of this chapter.. I was terrified. I couldn't believe it. Then it took a 180 and I was brought to tears. Each time a chapter ends, I worry it's the last one, but we're only halfway through!

Dino, allow me to say... this chapter was incredible. You are a master at making puzzles, never doubt yourself. There are times I feel like a genius having figured something out, and one or two times I have been defeated and needed the guide haha. But I enjoy myself, I live for the story, to find out more! And now I wish to see how our story truly ends.

I was in a whirlwind of emotions for the two hours I played this chapter. There were times when I was about to cry.

However, at the end of the chapter, when I heard them calling out my name again...? I cried out of joy, because I get to see them again, and nothing is set in stone.

also, that photo on the laptop of those two people... I really enjoyed seeing the one on the right again, no matter how annoyed they looked to be there.

Thank you for another amazing and beautiful chapter! Be sure to take your time and not stress, I understand that things will now move slowly. Be safe, be happy, and I can't wait to see what you bring in the future! <3

*Spoilers kinda?*

But P.S.

I feel like Wonder Woman but with Draco, sending you an email that says "Thank you for bringing him back to me". I still feel as though I've known him my whole life, all of these characters. That connection you manage to make for me is something that really helps pull me in and feel even more emotional and invested in what happens.


this game is honestly just, absolutely incredible! all the twists and turns, the characters and their individual development and narratives, even the way you subvert the player's agency is just so smart and fresh! there are a million words i wish i could say (but won't due to spoilers for those browsing the comments), but i honestly can't recommend to download this enough. it's a phenomenal game for being free, and the story is deep and complex yet made easy to understand through the knowledge being presented in puzzles in innovative ways. this was overall a lovely game experience, keep up the great work dino!

p.s. saw someone in the comments ask for a french translation, if you need help with one i would be more than happy to provide assistance! 


i’m overjoyed, as someone who plays free games frequently, that this game is free, personally. but it’s incredible to me that you never accepted any donations for this game until now! your quality of work is incredibly high, and the final product always turns out amazing. thank you for your hard work, and please take your time in the creation of chapter 5. we’ll be waiting, of course, but it’s entirely worth it for the sake of a high-quality product and your health! take care, and thank you so much for everything so far and to come!

Hey, I played through and I really enjoyed it! I'm sad the next part will be a longer wait but I fully understand why, and please do take care of yourself.

When you decide to come back to it, I wanted to leave one bit of feedback. In chapter 4, the game says you have "two chances to mess up," but actually there's only one. The second time you screw up, it's game over. Which I painfully discovered during the running away/spacerbar-click sequences.

Anyway, I absolutely love it and I'll definitely be recommending this to friends! :) 


The game was honestly frickin amazin, i love the story, the plot twists, everything 


wtf how is this even free????

10/10 would recommend


omg i absolutely loved the plot, and the music in this was amazing !! i recommended it to my friends too :D i'm still shocked an amazing game like this is free !! can't wait for the next chapter <3


i love the story, the visuals, the music and the characters. also the fact that there is tension, mysteries to solve and some quick puzzles makes it interesting. you must play it!!! do it for vanora and vincent (my favorites, lol)! you won't regret it ;) 


I'll gladly translate for free to Hebrew. If ever you're interested

(1 edit) (+6)


I- what-this chapter just- So sad, so terrifying, so shocking! SO much to take in. AND THERE ARE STILL TWO MORE CHAPTERS AND ROUTES! It was so strange to see Vanora become pretty much sociopathic at the end there just killing Vincent mercilessly (though he kinda deserved it at that point) and manipulating Draco so blatantly to kill him. The ending makes that sudden shift of character make more sense at least, but what the frick-

(5 stars and I'd give more if I could)


lol i was shocked too, did she really kill him? i think that he can live because he's a cyborg and some pieces can be restored...

(btw draco would be more like his son than his brother, you know what i mean lol)


True, but brother does work as well. Plus considering they're not that far apart in age that would throw off a lot of things about VIncent when he was a child 

you're right! I'd love to see Vincent's childhood (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)


Phenomenal! 5 Stars is not enough to describe the way I felt while playing this version of the game! The story is captivating, emotional and mysterious; characters are super charming whilst also realistic and relatable, and the art style is simple but very pleasant to the eye. Can't wait for more!


Will there be a japanese translation in the future?
Because I might recommended this game to my japanese friends.

Yes, I gave this a 5 star rating ^_^


I'm confused is this an Alpha version or version 1.0? It also seems that there are more chapters to come?


the creator said there would be 6 chapters, and 4 are currently out, so yeah there's more to come :)

Thanks for the info. But the file still says beta, is that because this is only 4 chapters? Or because it still has a lot of bugs? I don't want to start playing if I can't finish the whole game. My memory is not as good so I won't remember what happened if I have to wait before playing the next episode.

I usually will hate these type of games, but I gave this a try. I didn't regret trying this game out tho, I loved it! I really do recommend you guys to try this game out. What's not to love? A free amazing game. 


Hello! Do you have a post that introduces the descriptions of all the districts? I'm interested in learning each one of them!


Will there be an Android version available?

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