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I've played the first chapter a while ago and I finally got to playing the rest. This was such a blast! I absolutely fell for Zalmona....... I really can't wait to see more of this game, it just has such an epic style to it and the plot is so intriguing!

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✨I know that you probably will not see this but...I just honestly love this game so much and I’m glad I found this game if I didn’t I would have been dead, like your art-style is just so good and I hope you’re getting enough sleep too! Keep up the good work that you’re doing, very cool characters! And I hope you are okay and have a very awesome day and also merry Christmas eve!✨💖💖

You probably won't read this but I installed the game again for the chapter update. I started playing before so I can't load the previous saved game in the new version. Should I start over again or do I have to do something in the previous version of the game to update it?


You can just use the chapter select screen. That takes you to the beginning of any chapter. You can find that option on the main menu.


Hey Dino. I know you might be busy but I just have a quick question that my friend and I have been wondering about for a little while. Is Draco short or is he bending down when we first meet him? The game is awesome btw. I can't wait for more chapters to come out. You need more recognition!

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Hi - He is bending down. And thank you for your support!


Hi dino, I was wondering, what is the name of the music that plays in Chapter 2 when we meet Draco? The tune is so catchy! Love your game and I am excited for the next chapter!


Hi - It is titled "Deeranic."


I enjoyed the game so far tremendously and I'm excited to see where the plot is headed. It's also v neat to see all the things that are possible with Ren'Py!! 


Hey dino! My name is Cass. I'm reaching out ´cause i love your game, a whole lot! and i wanted to see if you need any help with the spanish translation. My mother tongue is spanish, but I have cambridge certifications in english!. 

If you are interested, you can contact me through e-mail:

Thanks! :>

Hi Cass -

Thanks a lot for your kind offer! I'm unfortunately no longer looking for new translators at this moment, but I'll keep your offer in mind and for sure let you know if things change. 

Thank you so much!


No problem, and thanks for keeping my offer in mind!

hello dino

I love your game very much

The settings are very unique to the characters  XD

I want to help with Korean translation

If you can help with images

딸기문어#2893 <--Call me here, it's my discord

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Hi dino99z,

My name is daetaman.
I am a korean youtube creator making gaming contents.

Currently working on the summarised videos of your games. (story explained type of videos) I've worked on Albert Kruger previously. and i wanted to work on vincent as lots of my subcribers requested me to.

Currently I am working on Vincent.

Just out of curiosity how is the progress so far with the Korean version on Vincent?



Hi daetaman -

Thank you for your comment.

As much as I'd like to answer your question - that is not a question for me to answer, since I am not the one translating. I let the translators handle it fully on their own. They are people who are translating the game purely out of the goodness of their heart, so I'd like them to take as much time as they need. I hope this makes sense.

Thank you and I look forward to your videos!


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<Korean Translation Offer for Vincent& Morfosi/ Translation Error check for Krueger>

Hi dino999z,

my name is Bridget, and I am a huge fan of all three of your games.

I have contacted to ask if I can add Korean translation to Vincent and Morfosi, and fix some Korean translation errors that were made in Krueger.

To make sure that I am fluent in English<->Korean translation, I am a certified translator from the Korean Ministry Affairs with first-degree Eng-Kor translate certificate. 

Please feel free to contact me through via email: [deleted] or ig: [deleted]

I would be honored to help your Korean translation work as a huge fan.

-Jeongyeon Bridget Choi

P.S. I would like to apologize for leaving just one comment for several of your games on Vincent, I did you send a DM via ig but it seemed that you do not read those. 

Hi Bridget - 

Thanks a lot for reaching out to me! The truth is, someone else has already reached out to me to translate Vincent into Korean, and I'm no longer looking for new translators for the other two games at this moment, since I already have a handful of localizations to integrate. However, I will keep your kind offer in mind and will for sure let you know if things change! Thanks a lot!

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Thank you so much for letting me know! (Hope I can help you in your future games though hehe) I'll look forward to meet the Korean translation of your two games:D 

I would like to imform you that there are a few translation errors&typo in Krueger though. One of the translation errors is critical--a lot of people misunderstand preferred pronoun since we usually don't respect other's preferred gender in Korea--and some other little typo's don't really mess up with the game I guess.

Thank you again for your reply, and making these awesome three games! Korean fans always send you love and support:)

P.S. I'll delete my ig and email adress from the comment above!

Hi Bridget -

Thank you so much for letting me know! I was not aware of that. You're absolutely right - that is indeed critical. If such is the case, would you be interested in fixing the translation errors in Therapy w/ Dr. Albert Krueger?

Thanks a lot!


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Yes ofcourse! I am so honored to take a part in it, thank you so much! I'll do my best to make sure there are no more mistakes nor misunderstandings:)

Perfect! Thank you so much. Would you mind posting your email again so we can talk more over there?


Okay, so I don't really play video games. But I must say I absolutely LOVE this one ! It is really well paced, the character designs are awesome, graphics in general are awesome and the background musics are really good. I think you are doing a great job ! I wish you the best.


i loved draco so much and he just appeared for like 5 minutes. it's unlikely, but i really hope you manage to make him appear again :'( *silently cries in the corner* 

and the ANIMATION when introduced a character! omfg, it's everything i ever wanted. and i want a l o t of things.

this is so amazing, the art is amazing, the way your name is literally like an error code to not show it is amazing and hilarious, i almost died when mc asked "sorry, what what's your name again" "oh, it was d9ahqgkn*sd" i went laughing like a damn rat, amazing.

i have my speculations about what the girl really purpose is, since it looks like myers planned something for her, but my mind just goes straight to foreshadow at it's max. damn.

i could had only written "it's amazing, i love it.", y'know, simply and sweet. but i could talk about this for ages, AND IT'S ONLY THE PRE-ALPHA! not even the ALPHA, not even the entire game. and it already is SO amazing. that's it, you're my favourite developer, kisses X

Can't wait for more updates :')! ♥♥


Thanks to Manly playing Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger, I found you and fell in love with your games! I could say all the praise again here, but I already said it to you once, and have nothing new to say at the moment - I'm still writing down the wonder this world of yours brings to me.
But this game is gorgeous! I'm not a horror game type of person, I'm personally too much of a scaredy cat to play them much; but this game and Albert Krueger I have been pushing myself through because of the design and story! It's what keeps me invested and going! Though I knew when jumpscares were coming, I'd still flinch. This is the sort of game that creates a nostalgia, but it's nostalgia for something you haven't ever experienced.
I check in on this page every few days to see if anything has been changed, and when you made minor changes to the music, I felt so happy about it and just ended up smiling a whole lot! Once I figure out how to update games, I'll definitely be able to keep up!
This game has a world and story that I crave for and want to be able to create myself, and thank you so so much for answering my questions before! I've kept them in mind while I work, and have began to draw ears like you as well (before, I wasn't drawing any once I found them too hard).
The characters are attractive, the mystery is... think of the story like an Easter egg hunt or trail of breadcrumbs, the most delicious crumbs ever. The tiniest taste of the story makes you want more, so you have to keep going!
Even after saying this before, I admire you're writing abilities and how you got me attached to a certain character fast, and then changed the mood entirely.
Sorry for yet another rant to you, but I look forward to the next update! Keep up the fantastic work, Dino999z! Don't work yourself too hard!


Therapy With Dr Albert Krueger already made me a fan, but after playing this you are definitely one of my favourite developers ever. I love how much personality there is in this game, both in the writing and in the art-style, and the combination of point and click gameplay with visual novel story-telling is really engaging. I had so much fun playing and I cannot wait to experience what happens next :D 

When is the Korean translation available?


I-I it's just so pretty

like my god the characters and art-

This???????Why do they look so friggin CLASSY AHHHHHHHH

Do you by any chance have the OST listed somewhere? I like the sound track and would love to listen to the songs individually.

Hi. As opposed to Therapy w/ Dr. Albert Krueger, the music in this game is a combination of self-composed music & online resources (free & paid). Therefore I don't have the right to re-distribute them.


I can't solve the first puzzle in chapter 2. How can I tell if I already put in the correct password or not? Is it automatically work or is there somewhere I need to press first?

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It unlocks automatically when you put in the correct answer. Here's the walkthrough if you need it:


God I love this game it's so much fun and all the characters are enjoyable and unique, I can't wait for the full game to be released!


Excuuuuuuuse me??? I am shook??? especially that one moment in the update I— *is shooketh* This is beautiful???? I will throw money at you if I could, I'm srsly in luv with the artstyle and story like ughhh. 

Also I noticed that there's a lil something that reminds me of Death Mark and it's successor Spirit Hunter NG? There's like a similarity to the way it shows the player that the choice was right or wrong. I'm curious if you got inspiration from those two games, which also really feckin awesome btw. And the way the characters are introduced reminded me of the Danganronpa series.

cannot wait to play the whole thing, but of course take your time! I'm so giddy to play the next chap or maybe I'll wait till it's finish and then I'll play it cuz I die if I'm left in the dark lmfao. I'm so sorry for rambling it's been a while since I played a really good visual novel like this!!! tldr the art you made overall is just fantastic!!!


Hi - Yes, good catch! This game is inspired from Death Mark (I also mentioned that in the about screen). It is my favorite VN, and the game that got me into VN devs. This game wouldn't have existed without it. Thank you so much for giving my game a try, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I bet the Death Mark devs would be thrilled that you see their game as an inspiration! I have to agree as well that DM and SHNG were both phenomenal and I'm very happy that it was both created as otherwise we would have never given the honor to experience your art! Keep up the good work! And don't forget to take it easy now and then! ✊👍👍


i love this so much the characters, the atmosphere ,the style everything! its just so entraining i cant wait to see more! omggg


Hi! I've really enjoyed playing this game and I can't believe there is only one creator! I can only imagine how much time and effort it must have taken. Not only is the game beautiful and very well made, but it also tells a captivating story. I can't wait to discover what happens next. You're really talented, keep it up!


When I first was scrolling through's games, I saw a cool game called Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger. I played it amazed with the skills put into it. And just finishing chapters 1 and 2 for this made me sooo eager for more. I will be rushing to this webpage when Chapter 3 comes out and I loooooove this game. This also inspired me to even make my own visual novels. All in all you get 6 out of 5 stars. :)


ooh a prequal


i just stayed up all night playing this game and i'm SO IN LOVE i wish i could play more!! found this after finding you on twitter promoting therapy with dr albert krueger and OMG!!! i can't tell you enough how GREAT and exciting they are!! the art, storytelling, dialogue, suspense!! thank you so much for this! sending you love and good vibes xx <3


Ahhh I loved this so much! I'm so excited to see where this story goes! Great characters, engaging gameplay, and a really interesting story!


I played your game in my recent youtube video.


Hello ^^ I've really enjoyed your cartoony style :3 its so rare to see a novel/game whit so good quality in it :D ( story, chara designs,puzzles... everything is so nice and its just the beginning :o )  Keep up your good work !! Can't wait to play more ! 


Oh man, I was really invested the whole time. This was really fun to play, and I can't wait for more of it to come out! I first got interested after playing Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger, and I'm so glad I discovered you. This was absolutely spectacular, keep up the brilliant work!


I loved every second of this game. I enjoyed the plot and the characters too, especially Draco and Dino. You're crazy talented to be working on this independently!! I look forward to the rest of the game!!! :DD


Finally reach the end of the Pre-Alpha version, I was so excited to see more of the mysteries and uncovers it. But it turns out we have to wait later. 

For this part what I really love are the questions. Not only you have to remember every details (red marked word) you can for the questions, you also have to be able to logically piece every part of the information in order to answer the questions which doesn't have straight obvious answer.

As promised by Dino, there's a lot of hot dudes waiting in this visual novel (and murderous horrifying cyborgs). I really love it and would recommend people to check it out.

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Hooo, the horror and mystery are starting to get deeper, I like it, and really loves the puzzle, it's very entertaining to solve. 

Also didn't expect there'll be the real Dino itself in the game! Thought it was just a reference to the developer.

And apparently there's a commercial song, because as soon as I upload the video there's a copyright claim. It's on the part where John first met Vincent and Victor (who's John you ask? It's a secret). The song is called Dinner Date by Peter Godfrey. Currently removing the song with the beta feature YouTube have, if it doesn't work I just have to cut that part, hufft.

Hi Terrorose,

Thanks again for giving the game a try and I'm sorry to hear the copyright issue. I purchased the song from and they say I'm allowed to use it in commercial or non-commercial projects. I will talk to them and see if they could resolve this.

Hum interesting, I think it's no problem. You did purchase the rights to use it, but I didn't. So that's probably why, no problem.


Holy mackerel! I enjoyed this game much more than I expected I would. I loved the concept of a point and click adventure, visual novel, and mystery. The story is really quite captivating, I really do look forward to see the next chapter. 


Okay so I was confused. First I thought I'm Dr. Albert, turns out no. Then I thought the pink person was Dr. Albert friend and that Vincent is Dr. Albert, but I'm not sure so I check my old video of Dr. Albert Krueger therapy and find out I was wrong. So this is the story that tells about his friend, not Dr. Albert himself, interesting. Also I really love this visual novel, it's so good.


i'm really enjoying this game!! it's so beautifully made and i love the storyline so far. :D


This game is absolutely wondeful : the design, the music just woaw ! Can't wait to play the full version :)


your game is amasing! you really are talented l can't wait to play the full version!


I am in LOVE with the game, I love everything, the art style is beautiful, the sounds and the music too. The characters have a lot of charisma, the plot is super interesting.

I'm impatient for chapter 3.

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I cannot wait for the next update. I found this after playing Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger and was so excited that there was more to this universe. Just finished chapter 2 and am so excited for the next one. High stakes, fun characters, fascinating story, just awesome.


this is SO GOOD i cant wait for chapter 3. i love all of the characters so much ;__; draco <3 vincent <3 your art is amazing and the music is so so good (especially chapter 2) thank you so much for making this :’3 please continue!!!! 

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AHHHHH I LOVE THIS!!!!! cant wait for the next chapter, the characters, story plot, art style is everything. i luv ur games sm! >.<
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