This was an absolute delight to play! One of the most ambitious Visual Novel/Puzzle Horror games I've ever played on EVERY front. From the art to the story to the writing to the mechanics, it's clear passion and ambition are just plentiful here!
had me genuniely in shock at times, the character designs, the story telling and overall its an amazing game. I can't wait for the new chapters whenever they come out!! (ik that they may not come out for a long time but still very excited)
Also there is not Straight Explination for whatever vincent ad victor have going on
Well I started playing Chapters 1-4 and it was very interesting. However, I've been struggling in chapters 3-4, looking for objects and finding the codes especially for Vincent Boss fight. I get to experience a lot of interests in different characters and animations. Solving puzzles are much harder too because I keep clicking the same objects all over again non-stop. Victor is not just a friend of Vincent but is also his love interest which is combined into Blakeworth. I can see why some people are so obsessed with those males characters these days. I might have some breaktime until Chapters 5+6 comes out which I was waiting for in the future. I like looking for some visual novels where they have multiple choices, plot twists, backstories and good potential animation. Thank you Dino for the story that I would rush to play again and doing harder puzzles that I took too long so I need to use the guide to help.
I'm the player who just finished chapter 4 of your game. I'm so honored that I was able to discover and play your game. Beautiful characters, great stories, and even fun puzzles, I really felt like a protagonist in the game! I really have an infinite thank you for making this wonderful game. It's a shame that it's been suspended indefinitely, but you're welcome to come late, so please come and complete this game someday! Don't worry, I'll wait here no matter how much time goes by here! I'll have to go play your other games, too. Thank you again Dino! And I love your games so much! (I'm so sorry that your English looks poor using a translator)
i just finished the chapter 3 and i love this game, i like the characters,history,puzzles. i hope there is going to be soon the Victor's route. i like the rhytim of the game but the only thing that was a bit weird to me was that suddenly you were at the myer's corporation when a second ago you were at the mansion. but i still love so much this game!!!!! im going to recominding it to my friends (sorry for my bad english xd)
To be fair, at first I thought that as well, but by the 3rd hour everything made much more sense and I grew to understand why it was put in there. Try rereading it maybe?
In my opinion, the sex scene was completely necessary for us to understand the depth of Victor's and Vincent's relationship though the duration was a bit unnecessary
This is genuinely one of the best games I've ever played. Just, wow. I can't even explain how much I love these complex characters and storyline, not to mention how the entire game is made. I was entertained the whole way through :D And it made me change the way I see certain things. I love games that cover deeper topics that don't appear as such on the surface level. Thank you so much for making this game, all my props go to you. I hope one day I'll get to see it finished and uncover the full story. Thank you so much again<3 (Also I am just obsessed with Victor and Vincent's relationship they're so cute please I need them to be happy :,(( )
There's a chance that you might not see this but, I absolutely love your games, you're a huge inspiration to me as an artist, and as someone who would love to create their own Video Game someday. Although I do miss you and even though I am super excited for your come back, Dino, take all the time you need, and I hope you're doing well. I have honestly never played a game that got me so invested before until I found out about your creations. Wish you well, Dino, and I hope you'll achieve all your hopes and dreams. :) <3
i think u need to see someone for ur "!!!" addiction! also this is genuinely so funny oml... pls go outside stop being so chronically online like do u not hear urself? "dinos a peson not just a game dev!" guess what they also are? a game dev! that is quite literally their job/title on this website. It's not that persons fault that u wanna defend them as if u know them personally. istfg lobotomy victims have more brain power ur ridiculous
I think actually watering someone down to as "just a game dev" isn't really good??? Game developing is not even their job, just a hobby, it's not fair to expect them not to focus on their actual job and work 24/7 on a game that doesn't even earn them cash. I think that SABOPAL is trying to say that actually addressing Dino by their name is literally the bare minimum, especially when slowbussysyndrom, if you were to look at their comments, you can just kind of tell that they don't care about the fact that Dino is a person with a life outside of the internet and just expect them to work on a game that doesn't even earn Dino money instead focusing on actually, you know earning living wage. Even if Dino doesn't see this, invalidating them is still not something you should do. It's literally basic human respect.
my bad im whimsical and joyous and i like using exclamation marks !!! lmao get the MAIN POINT IN UR HEAD is that while yes they are a game dev they have a LIFE !! and it’s ridiculous to be commenting shit like this. my bad i dont wanna treat people like zhit regardless if i know them or not ! how is that being chronically online good lord
I would look at you when you gonna need to take a long break for things you like and more important but people will start be angry at you. Not so pleasant, isn't it? Grow up.
It might not be that serious to you but it sure as hell is invalidating someone and not respecting them as a person. Dino is clearly busy with their life so for someone to go and tell them to hurry up their academic dreams is just not it.
can we stop acting like theyre even gonna see this LMAOO also u ppl defending them with ur life for actually no reason at all isnt gonna make them magically come back and give u a kiss on the forehead. It's not that srs. Go outside.
So?? I'm literally just replying because you thought it would be a good idea to say it's not that serious when literally all we are doing is telling the op commentor to be a DECENT, UNDERSTANDING human being. Why the hell are you so worked up over this? I do not care if Dino sees this or not, I am just stepping in to tell people to not be disrespectful. Also, great insult, "Go outside", I'm literally touching actual grass right now, in a foreign country for holiday. That aged well, didn't it?
Dude, flat out, that is just a low blow. I, myself, being a university student who is taking medicine, it is already tiring as is to go through, I would be unmotivated to do anything like continue a game at that point... So what more for Dino who is literally having a job and working their butt off to survive? It might not be that serious to you but it sure as hell is invalidating someone and not respecting them as a person.
this whole argument was so prolonged for no reason like yeah dino is a person but also a game dev, everyone is a person but can also be described as something else. its important to respect people for how hard they work and the lives they live, but it shouldn't be a problem to call them the dev. bro has a life but also developed games. this argument was pointless, why can't people just agree to have different opinions instead of making arguments and sarcastic answers to attempt to defend themselves
hi, dino!! i hope this doesn't come off as rude but are we still getting chapters 5 and 6? it's been quite a while since we've heard any news about the development of the game so :'D
if i had to describe my experience,this game mentally broke me permanently and now i can't look at some things in the same way,i think i'll never recover from it,10/10,would defenitely play again
i feel sad tellling you this, but he said on his patreon he isn't making more because he is tired and tight on money, maybe if you donate some money that'll help
10/10 the plot twists the story just everything its so good it makes me want to scream in delight it felt like watching fight club for the first time i cant believe this was free i would sell my soul if it meant getting to see more
came across this game after playing TWDAK(also fucking loved it) because of silly ace attorney reference and MY GOD BEST DECISION EVER this may or may not be one of the best story games i have ever gotten to consume. first impression was fucking great i love the intro screen animation hehe(AND I FOLDED SO FAST FOR VICTORNJDBHSA) okay but seriously CHAPTER 4 WAS TWIST AFTER MFING TWIST OH MY GOD MY JAW DROPPED TO THE MARIANA TRENCH yall should definitely play VTSOM if you can!!! besides i really dont get the vanora hate
Acabei de finalizar o Capitulo 4 desse jogo com minha irmã, e meu Deus.... esse jogo me fez sentir tantas emoções ao mesmo tempo. Em um momento eu senti vontade de jogar o Pc do telhado de tanta frustação com o que pensei ser o final, mas depois que tudo que aconteceu desde o Capitulo 1 se encaixou, eu fiquei em choque. dino999z é simplesmente um gênio! Mesmo se os próximos Capítulos demorarem 5 anos eu vou estar aqui pra jogar, porque o que esse jogo fez comigo foi sensacional.
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the story is so so good omg but please i feel so sad after completing chapter 4 i just feel so empty victor and vincent omgggg
This was an absolute delight to play! One of the most ambitious Visual Novel/Puzzle Horror games I've ever played on EVERY front. From the art to the story to the writing to the mechanics, it's clear passion and ambition are just plentiful here!
after some years, i'm still waiting for the chapter
i miss you vincent edgeworth
im gonna pull up to dino's house with the Content Whacking Stick if ch5 doesn't drop soon /ref
i keep seeing you in this comment section you're cool
很厉害的作品,最初漫无目的乱逛时意外发现了同样很精彩的Dr. Albert,通关之后,我对作者的世界观产生兴趣,就下载并游玩了作者的其他参与作品。
had me genuniely in shock at times, the character designs, the story telling and overall its an amazing game. I can't wait for the new chapters whenever they come out!! (ik that they may not come out for a long time but still very excited)
Also there is not Straight Explination for whatever vincent ad victor have going on
vincent and victor are literally FRUITS
Well I started playing Chapters 1-4 and it was very interesting. However, I've been struggling in chapters 3-4, looking for objects and finding the codes especially for Vincent Boss fight. I get to experience a lot of interests in different characters and animations. Solving puzzles are much harder too because I keep clicking the same objects all over again non-stop. Victor is not just a friend of Vincent but is also his love interest which is combined into Blakeworth. I can see why some people are so obsessed with those males characters these days. I might have some breaktime until Chapters 5+6 comes out which I was waiting for in the future. I like looking for some visual novels where they have multiple choices, plot twists, backstories and good potential animation. Thank you Dino for the story that I would rush to play again and doing harder puzzles that I took too long so I need to use the guide to help.
before you play:OMG they're so hot
after:DIE EVERYONE DIE!!!!!!
looking forward to a happy ending in the chapter 6
Anyone have name suggestions? I just started and am definitely over thinking this...
If you're unsure of a name, you can just click enter and it'll give you the name "Valeria" ^^
I'm the player who just finished chapter 4 of your game. I'm so honored that I was able to discover and play your game. Beautiful characters, great stories, and even fun puzzles, I really felt like a protagonist in the game! I really have an infinite thank you for making this wonderful game. It's a shame that it's been suspended indefinitely, but you're welcome to come late, so please come and complete this game someday! Don't worry, I'll wait here no matter how much time goes by here! I'll have to go play your other games, too. Thank you again Dino! And I love your games so much! (I'm so sorry that your English looks poor using a translator)
i just finished the chapter 3 and i love this game, i like the characters,history,puzzles. i hope there is going to be soon the Victor's route. i like the rhytim of the game but the only thing that was a bit weird to me was that suddenly you were at the myer's corporation when a second ago you were at the mansion. but i still love so much this game!!!!! im going to recominding it to my friends (sorry for my bad english xd)
ima miss dino when i get off this page
The 8 hour sex scene between Vincent and Victor at Chapter 5's Investment route was kinda unnecessary but other than that, good game.
To be fair, at first I thought that as well, but by the 3rd hour everything made much more sense and I grew to understand why it was put in there. Try rereading it maybe?
never seen this scene in the game ?
Maybe you missed something?
I have a question about "Chapter 5 Investment route ". Isn't Chapter 4 Legal route the end of the game at this point?..
how can i unlock the investment route pls (i finished the chapter 4)
same!! i cant seem to find it either
In my opinion, the sex scene was completely necessary for us to understand the depth of Victor's and Vincent's relationship though the duration was a bit unnecessary
They had a sex scene? what did I miss?
a lot you missed chapter 5
This is genuinely one of the best games I've ever played. Just, wow. I can't even explain how much I love these complex characters and storyline, not to mention how the entire game is made. I was entertained the whole way through :D And it made me change the way I see certain things. I love games that cover deeper topics that don't appear as such on the surface level. Thank you so much for making this game, all my props go to you. I hope one day I'll get to see it finished and uncover the full story. Thank you so much again<3 (Also I am just obsessed with Victor and Vincent's relationship they're so cute please I need them to be happy :,(( )
There's a chance that you might not see this but, I absolutely love your games, you're a huge inspiration to me as an artist, and as someone who would love to create their own Video Game someday. Although I do miss you and even though I am super excited for your come back, Dino, take all the time you need, and I hope you're doing well. I have honestly never played a game that got me so invested before until I found out about your creations. Wish you well, Dino, and I hope you'll achieve all your hopes and dreams. :) <3
those academic dreams of urs dev need to hurry up :(
hey this is weird af to say to someone! and calling dino just “dev” ! be better this is disrespectful
sry but it is most definitely NOT that serious
may not be that serious sure but its still disrespectful.. 💀
also dinos a person !! not just a game dev !!! and they have a life !! this is entitled af !!!
i think u need to see someone for ur "!!!" addiction! also this is genuinely so funny oml... pls go outside stop being so chronically online like do u not hear urself? "dinos a peson not just a game dev!" guess what they also are? a game dev! that is quite literally their job/title on this website. It's not that persons fault that u wanna defend them as if u know them personally. istfg lobotomy victims have more brain power ur ridiculous
I think actually watering someone down to as "just a game dev" isn't really good??? Game developing is not even their job, just a hobby, it's not fair to expect them not to focus on their actual job and work 24/7 on a game that doesn't even earn them cash. I think that SABOPAL is trying to say that actually addressing Dino by their name is literally the bare minimum, especially when slowbussysyndrom, if you were to look at their comments, you can just kind of tell that they don't care about the fact that Dino is a person with a life outside of the internet and just expect them to work on a game that doesn't even earn Dino money instead focusing on actually, you know earning living wage. Even if Dino doesn't see this, invalidating them is still not something you should do. It's literally basic human respect.
my bad im whimsical and joyous and i like using exclamation marks !!! lmao get the MAIN POINT IN UR HEAD is that while yes they are a game dev they have a LIFE !! and it’s ridiculous to be commenting shit like this. my bad i dont wanna treat people like zhit regardless if i know them or not ! how is that being chronically online good lord
I would look at you when you gonna need to take a long break for things you like and more important but people will start be angry at you. Not so pleasant, isn't it? Grow up.
r u having a stroke? i cant even read what you're saying lmao..
You just confirmed that you can't read. Pity you.
It might not be that serious to you but it sure as hell is invalidating someone and not respecting them as a person. Dino is clearly busy with their life so for someone to go and tell them to hurry up their academic dreams is just not it.
can we stop acting like theyre even gonna see this LMAOO also u ppl defending them with ur life for actually no reason at all isnt gonna make them magically come back and give u a kiss on the forehead. It's not that srs. Go outside.
So?? I'm literally just replying because you thought it would be a good idea to say it's not that serious when literally all we are doing is telling the op commentor to be a DECENT, UNDERSTANDING human being. Why the hell are you so worked up over this? I do not care if Dino sees this or not, I am just stepping in to tell people to not be disrespectful. Also, great insult, "Go outside", I'm literally touching actual grass right now, in a foreign country for holiday. That aged well, didn't it?
Well he's not just a game dev but also getting involved with the technology related like computer science
Dude, flat out, that is just a low blow. I, myself, being a university student who is taking medicine, it is already tiring as is to go through, I would be unmotivated to do anything like continue a game at that point... So what more for Dino who is literally having a job and working their butt off to survive? It might not be that serious to you but it sure as hell is invalidating someone and not respecting them as a person.
this whole argument was so prolonged for no reason like yeah dino is a person but also a game dev, everyone is a person but can also be described as something else. its important to respect people for how hard they work and the lives they live, but it shouldn't be a problem to call them the dev. bro has a life but also developed games. this argument was pointless, why can't people just agree to have different opinions instead of making arguments and sarcastic answers to attempt to defend themselves
Dino is busy with his new career so you should probably leave him alone for a while
when it asked for my name I said Krueger and vincent's reaction was actually gold
in new update can we pls get a scene of vincent and krueger going freaktown on each other thx dev xo
oh lol indefinite hiatus in 2022? we never getting an update nvmm
the ending of the legal route chapter 4 broke into my house and shot me point blank. 10/10 would recommend
pulling my hair out I don't care if I have to wait until I'm 95 FINISH THIS GAME DINO AND MY LIFE IS YOURS /ref
i have been so hyperfixated on this game the past few days and have recommended it to so many people. please its so well done
hi, dino!! i hope this doesn't come off as rude but are we still getting chapters 5 and 6? it's been quite a while since we've heard any news about the development of the game so :'D
if i had to describe my experience,this game mentally broke me permanently and now i can't look at some things in the same way,i think i'll never recover from it,10/10,would defenitely play again
real everytime i see black and pink i see blakeworth
I loved playing this game, I can't wait for chapters 5+6!!!
i feel sad tellling you this, but he said on his patreon he isn't making more because he is tired and tight on money, maybe if you donate some money that'll help
Hey!! i can’t seem to find his patreon. where is it, could you maybe link it to me? thanks!!
10/10 the plot twists the story just everything its so good it makes me want to scream in delight it felt like watching fight club for the first time i cant believe this was free i would sell my soul if it meant getting to see more
okay serious review
came across this game after playing TWDAK(also fucking loved it) because of silly ace attorney reference and MY GOD BEST DECISION EVER this may or may not be one of the best story games i have ever gotten to consume. first impression was fucking great i love the intro screen animation hehe(AND I FOLDED SO FAST FOR VICTORNJDBHSA) okay but seriously CHAPTER 4 WAS TWIST AFTER MFING TWIST OH MY GOD MY JAW DROPPED TO THE MARIANA TRENCH yall should definitely play VTSOM if you can!!! besides i really dont get the vanora hate
also blakeworth canon))
i think ppl didnt like her because of The Things She Did At The End Of The Game but like she is awesome. but also i am so angry at her
i died tijis game ruined my life /pos
Hope one day this game will be finished, as the experience of it is amazing
Story is interesting, music really adds everything you need to "feel" the game, characters are amazing, I really like artstyle of the whole game.
Didn't expect the end of chapter 4 to be like this and I hope this game will be back from hiatus one day.
i really missing this game ,plz,plz update.......
danganronpa rip-off
go in your corner
bait used to be more believable
0/10 ragebait
i love myer chan
Awesome! Was not expecting the puzzle to be fun. And the soundtrack is just cherry on top.
spanish transaltion pslssssss
Acabei de finalizar o Capitulo 4 desse jogo com minha irmã, e meu Deus.... esse jogo me fez sentir tantas emoções ao mesmo tempo. Em um momento eu senti vontade de jogar o Pc do telhado de tanta frustação com o que pensei ser o final, mas depois que tudo que aconteceu desde o Capitulo 1 se encaixou, eu fiquei em choque. dino999z é simplesmente um gênio! Mesmo se os próximos Capítulos demorarem 5 anos eu vou estar aqui pra jogar, porque o que esse jogo fez comigo foi sensacional.
KKKKKKKK um br por aqui que jogou esse jogo?? ainda bem que nao sou o unico
a gente é espécie em extinção 🥲
br tá em todo lugar kkkkkkkkkk
que nada meu mano, depois da zona morta falar sobre o jogo, veio um monte d br ver